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Audit Information
Consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Consolidated statements of financial position
Consolidated statements of changes in equity
Consolidated statements of cash flows
Reporting entity
Basis of accounting
Functional and presentation currency
Use of estimates
Changes in material accounting policies
Operating segments
Discontinued operations
Other income and other net gains/(losses)
Loss before taxation
Income tax (credit)/expense
Loss per share
Property, plant and equipment
Intangible assets
Interests in equity-accounted investees
Other non-current assets
Trade and other receivables and deferred expenses
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Short-term deposits and cash and cash equivalents
Accrued expenses and other liabilities
Contract liabilities
Lease liabilities
Loans and borrowings
Preference shares liabilities
Warrant liabilities
Liabilities for puttable financial instrument
Capital and reserves
Equity-settled share-based transactions
Reverse Recapitalization
Financial instruments - Fair values and risk management
List of subsidiaries
Acquisition of ACT Genomics
Non-controlling interests
Related parties
Basis of measurement
Material accounting policies
Possible impact of amendments, new standards and interpretations issued but not yet effective for the year ended December 31, 2023
Accounting Policies
Material accounting policies (Policies)
Operating segments (Tables)
Discontinued operations (Tables)
Other income and other net gains/(losses) (Tables)
Loss before taxation (Tables)
Income tax (credit)/expense (Tables)
Loss per share (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment (Tables)
Intangible assets (Tables)
Goodwill (Tables)
Interests in equity-accounted investees (Tables)
Other non-current assets (Tables)
Inventories (Tables)
Trade and other receivables and deferred expenses (Tables)
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (Tables)
Short-term deposits and cash and cash equivalents (Tables)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (Tables)
Contract liabilities (Tables)
Lease liabilities (Tables)
Loans and borrowings (Tables)
Preference shares liabilities (Tables)
Warrant liabilities (Tables)
Liabilities for puttable financial instrument (Tables)
Capital and reserves (Tables)
Equity-settled share-based transactions (Tables)
Reverse Recapitalization (Tables)
Financial instruments - Fair values and risk management (Tables)
List of subsidiaries (Tables)
Acquisition of ACT Genomics (Tables)
Non-controlling interests (Tables)
Related parties (Tables)
Material accounting policies (Tables)
Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors (Tables)
Reporting entity (Details)
Basis of Accounting (Details)
Operating segments - Additional information (Details)
Operating segments - Results of each reportable segment (Details)
Operating segments - Revenue (Details)
Discontinued operations - Results of discontinued operation (Details)
Discontinued operations - Additional information (Details)
Discontinued operations - Other income and other gain (Details)
Discontinued operations - Results of discontinued expenses by nature (Details)
Discontinued operations - Cash flows (used in)/from discontinued operation (Details)
Revenue (Details)
Other income and other net gains/(losses) (Details)
Other income and other net gains/(losses) - Additional Information (Details)
Loss before taxation - Other finance costs and staff costs (Details)
Loss before taxation - Other items (Details)
Income tax (credit)/expense - Taxation in the consolidated statements of profit or loss represents (Details)
Income tax (credit)/expense - Narrative (Details)
Income tax (credit)/expense - Reconciliation of effective tax rate (Details)
Income tax (credit)/expense - Deferred tax assets and liabilities (Details)
Income tax (credit)/expense - Deferred tax liability assets (Details)
Income tax (credit)/expense - Deferred tax assets not recognized (Details)
Income tax (credit)/expense - Expiry dates of the cumulative tax losses (Details)
Loss per share (Details)
Loss per share - Additional Information (Details)
Property, plant and equipment (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Right-of-use assets (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Right-of -use assets recognized in Profit & loss (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Additional Information (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Schedule of amounts included in the consolidated statement of cash flows (Details)
Intangible assets (Details)
Goodwill (Details)
Goodwill - Summary of goodwill balance allocated to CGU's (Details)
Goodwill - Additional Information (Details)
Goodwill - Summary of the estimation of recoverable amounts of two CGU's (Details)
Goodwill - Summary of assumptions used in the estimation of the recoverable amount (Details)
Interests in equity-accounted investees - Summary of detailed information about interest in associates (Details)
Interests in equity-accounted investees - Additional information (Details)
Interests in equity-accounted investees - Summary of interests in associates (Details)
Interests in equity-accounted investees - Summary of details information of joint venture (Details)
Interests in equity-accounted investees - Summary of detailed information about financial information of associates (Details)
Other non-current assets (Details)
Inventories (Details)
Inventories - Additional Information (Details)
Trade and other receivables and deferred expenses (Details)
Trade and other receivables and deferred expenses - Additional Information (Details)
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (Details)
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Movements (Details)
Short-term deposits and cash and cash equivalents - Additional Information (Details)
Short-term deposits and cash and cash equivalents - Schedule of cash and cash equivalents (Details)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (Details)
Contract liabilities (Details)
Contract liabilities - Additional Information (Details)
Lease liabilities (Details)
Loans and borrowings - Additional Information (Details)
Loans and borrowings - Schedule of consolidated statement of cash flows (Details)
Preference shares liabilities - Additional information (Details)
Preference shares liabilities - Movements (Details)
Warrant liabilities - Additional Information (Details)
Warrant liabilities - Summary of Movement in Warrant Liabilities (Details)
Liabilities for puttable financial instrument - Additional Information (Details)
Liabilities for puttable financial instrument - Schedule of liabilities for puttable financial instrument (Details)
Capital and reserves - Movement in ordinary shares of PHCL (Details)
Capital and reserves - Movement in ordinary shares of the Company (Details)
Capital and reserves - Other reserve (Details)
Equity-settled share-based transactions - Narrative (Details)
Equity-settled share-based transactions - Schedule of number and aggregate fair value of RSU - Prenetics 2022 (Details)
Equity-settled share-based transactions - Prenetics 2022 Plan, Narrative (Details)
Equity-settled share-based transactions - Schedule of number and weighted average exercise prices of RSU (Details)
Equity-settled share-based transactions - Schedule of details of the restricted share units outstanding PHCL 2021 Plan (Details)
Equity-settled share-based transactions - PHCL 2021 Plan, Narrative (Details)
Equity-settled share-based transactions - Schedule of fair value of RSUs and assumptions (Details)
Equity-settled share-based transactions - Schedule of number and weighted average exercise prices of RSU (Details)
Equity-settled share-based transactions - Number and weighted average exercise prices RSUs, Narrative (Details)
Reverse Recapitalization - Summary of fair value of Artisan's identifiable net assets acquired (Details)
Reverse Recapitalization - Additional Information (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair values and risk management - Schedule of Carrying Amounts and Fair Values of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Details)
Financial instruments - Financial instruments measured at fair value (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair values and risk management - Reconciliation of Level 3 fair values (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair values and risk management - Credit risk narrative (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair values and risk management - Movement in the loss allowance account (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair values and risk management - Cash and Cash Equivalents (Details)
Financial instruments- Fair values and risk management - Liquidity Risk (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair values and risk management - Group's exposure at the end of the reporting period to currency risk, Sensitivity analysis (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair values and risk management - Market Risk (Details)
List of subsidiaries - Disclosure of the principal subsidiaries of the Company (Details)
Acquisition of ACT Genomics - Summary of Acquisition Date Fair Value of Each Major Class of Consideration Transferred (Details)
Acquisition of ACT Genomics - Additional Information (Details)
Acquisition of ACT Genomics - Summary of Recognized Amounts of Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed at the Date of Acquisition (Details)
Acquisition of ACT Genomics - Disclosure of Reconciliation of Changes in Goodwill (Details)
Non-controlling interests (Details)
Related parties - Transactions with key management personnel (Details)
Related parties - Summary of key management personnel compensation (Details)
Material accounting policies - Revenue (Details)
Material accounting policies - Property - plant and equipment (Details)
Material accounting policies - Intangible assets (other than goodwill) (Details)
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